Muchas canciones buenas tiene la banda sonora del filme Brokeback Mountain, del director Ang Lee. Gustavo Santaolalla compuso la música y Bernie Taupin escribió la letra, siendo interpretada por Emmylou Harris.
Go to sleep, may your sweet dreams come true
Just lay back in my arms for one more night
I've this crazy old notion that calls me sometimes
Saying this one's the love of our lives.
Cause I know a love that will never grow old
And I know a love that will never grow old.
When you wake up the world may have changed
But trust in me, I'll never falter or fail
Just the smile in your eyes, it can light up the night,
And your laughter's like wind in my sails.
Cause I know a love that will never grow old
And I know a love that will never grow old.
Lean on me, let our hearts beat in time,
Feel strength from the hands that have held you so long.
Who cares where we go on this rutted old road
In a world that may say that we're wrong.
Cause I know a love that will never grow old
And I know a love that will never grow old.
Ganó el Globo de Oro a la Mejor Canción Original en 2006:
Películas para desengancharse #132
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